Dhaka Spa Center

Advertising massages can result in a lot of clients, typically male, looking for a “sensual massage” with a “happy ending”. So how can you start an advertising campaign without attracting unwanted clients who are seeking services which you are not offering? 1. Avoid Classified Advertisement Websites Advertising on online marketplaces can result in a lot of unwanted clientele calling out of hours requesting a massage. The situation may be distressing for a therapist when they’re unable to tell apart viable customers from those seeking a “sensual” massage. The best form is to avoid these websites and stick to advertising in local magazines instead, or social media using tailored advertising campaigns to reach the intended audience. Alternatively, if you wish to remain on the site, omit the word “massage” from your advertisement. 2. Reject Calls from Withheld numbers If a customer is genuine, they will call from a private number, or they will leave a message. Avoid answering calls in the evening when you’re no longer working as this is prime time for unwanted customers. 3. Be Clear About the Service in Your Advertisement. Advertising your service correctly can improve understanding of your business. Using words like “professional beauty massage”, “holistic therapy”, “remedia therapy” and informing your readers that you have health fund cover should be effective in weeding out clientele that may be seeking different services if they can see you are well established in other forms.